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Wi-Fi Connection

  1. If the screen on the below appears, tap Stop (B).

    figure: Tap Stop
  2. If HOME is displayed on the left side of the screen, tap HOME.

    HOME screen


    • If 3440 or 3441 error screen appears, tap OK, and then tap HOME.
    • If a different screen is displayed, use the close button to exit your current application software, and then perform the setup again.

      The initial screen for printer setup appears via the model selection screen.

  3. Tap Network (A).

    HOME screen: Select Network
  4. Tap Wi-Fi.

    LAN settings screen: Select Wi-Fi
  5. Tap Settings.

    Wi-Fi setting list screen: Select Settings
  6. Tap Wi-Fi setup.

    Wi-Fi screen: Select Wi-Fi setup